Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 3 am call McCain won't want to get

One wonders how much remorse the GOP will have when death threats begin pouring in toward Barack Obama.

Assuming the McCain campaign had this one on layaway, saved up for when he floundered in the third debate or maybe just when they got desperate enough to get this desperate....

As the Huffington Post reports, a massive robocall campaign has been enacted by the McCain-Palin team:

The call begins: "Hello. I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC," before telling recipients that they "need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge's home, and killed Americans."
The phone calls could potentially get the campaign into more hot water than they bargained for, considering that states like Minnesota--just one of a reported 13 that received the calls--have legal bans on robocalls, while others have very strict rules about their construction.

But more than that, the news of this call felt like a blow to the stomach. Palpable nausea. Like catching your ex-lover with their new fling. You can't believe they've stooped that low. After several weeks of low polls and bad reviews for their hate-filled campaign, it is absolutely mind-blowing that advisers not only think this is a good idea, but that they are sleeping at night.

Has McCain forgotten 2004? Has he forgotten what it's like to have slanderous, derogatory lies spewed by your opponent attacking not only your credibility but your ethos as well? Perhaps he has. He is 72 after all.

Perhaps he is just caught up in it all, an old man swept up by the wind and rain of presidential campaigns that he doesn't even recognize who he has become or more importantly who he is creating. While Jon Stewart parodied this idea brilliantly, it actually rings true--John McCain has created the Frankenstein he no longer can control. From rally to rally, he has supporters screaming 'Muslim!' and 'Terrorist!' to nationally broadcast audiences.

But alls fair in love and politics, right? Wrong. What happens if all these terror-driven campaigns pay off? What happens if Obama is assassinated by a fanatic, thinking he's ridding our country of a murderer? This is beyond politics. How will McCain live with himself when he is responsible for violent attacks or homocide toward a presidential candidate, or quite possibly, the president of the United States? You can be sure he'll be out of excuses then.

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